Let’s care for one another and our world

Active in local communities, we meet online, in person and via socials to organise and share everyday actions that make a positive difference – from bike and walking buses and family cycle rides to creating council-approved education packs and urging our elected representatives to act now on pollution, climate change and social injustice. We work with global majority communities to tell the stories of how climate change is happening now, not in the future.

As parents and carers, we’re worried about climate change, the cost of living and social justice. We seek to offer mutual support and influence actions that change things for the better – in our school communities and beyond, with an emphasis on empowering communities whose voices are least often heard. We also advocate for transformative policies to urgently protect life on Earth, give us clean air to breathe, and secure a happy and climate-safe world for all children and future generations.

As parents ourselves, we know how busy life can be. Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day, so we have a range of actions people can take when they have time – from signing a petition or writing to your MSP, MP or councillor, to joining a family-friendly cycle ride or local toy and clothes swap, or just getting together with other like-minded people to share ideas and mutual support. The world can sometimes feel overwhelming: we want you to know you’re not alone.